What a whirlwind this year has been so far. Our Pilates has been busier than ever with so many exciting things happening, Matt, Harper and I have been on lots of little weekends away, I’ve been trying to exercise regularly again (key word being ‘trying’) and I had my first mani/pedi in over 6 months this morning!
Harper is now 8 months old and I can really feel that I’m getting some time back to myself. Since going to sleep school, we have a pretty consistent routine of naps so I can try to plan my day and get some work done while she sleeps. I actually found the routine really challenging at first and kind of resented it. I was so used to taking her out and about all day and ignoring her tired signs, but now I am used to it and can see that routine is good for both of us.
Since sleeping better, I’ve suddenly had the desire and energy to run regularly again. For a while there I thought I’d never feel like getting out of bed again (just a little dramatic) but now I’m starting to see the light and would like to work towards a goal that is purely for myself.
I’m following the Our Pilates 10km running program and I’m really enjoying it. I am certainly not sticking to it 100% of the time, but I’m giving it a shot and enjoying the satisfaction of getting through each run. Running was a huge part of my life a few years ago, but I was advised to stop in order to help me fall pregnant. After being diagnosed with Hypothalamic Amenorrhoea, I needed to reduce any physical and mental stress I could, so running was sadly off the cards. I went for a few runs during my pregnancy, but it’s been a long time since I’ve run regularly or with any goal in mind. I can’t say I’m hooked again just yet, but it feels so good to get out there and I know that soon it won’t feel so hard everytime.
I am loving being a mother so much more than I thought I would. I knew I would love my child, but to be completely honest, I wasn’t sure that I would love being a mum. I was very aware of everything motherhood would take away from my life, but I think for some of us, we aren’t so aware of what it will add until we’re in it. Now she’s my little bestie and I just love having her around. It’s more than a juggle, it’s completely taken over my brain and my heart, but as soon as I accepted that my main job and priority is keeping her happy and healthy, I really started to enjoy my role as mum.
Balancing out running a growing business with having a baby keeps me on my toes. I’m still uneasy about asking for too much help and I do my best not to miss a feed. But I do enjoy having something to occupy my mind and the flexibility and support that Brooke and I give each other makes it all very doable/enjoyable.
I am so passionate about Our Pilates, more than ever now that I’m so in need of everything our platform offers. It just makes me want to film more and more classes any opportunity I get so that we can offer our members as much value as possible. We have so many exciting things happening, live events, new programs, brand partnerships, a new team member (baby Pitt) and much much more. I can see that the rest of this year is going to be fun and rewarding in so many ways.
Love Han x